arte-alter is an eco-friendly fashion & lifestyle label which proudly promotes sustainability and social responsibility as its core design philosophy and this is reflected in our products and more importantly in the design and development process. We firmly believe in creating impact, from the betterment of artisans in terms of health & safety, to textile revival in a contemporary fashion.
Our Brand
Arte-Alter literally means, and alternative form of art. Every product we develop is made by hand, and for us, that is art. Here at "arte-alter", we are celebrating hand made and craftsmanship, and that is what we as a country "India" is proud of.
We The Tribe:
The city we hail from is one of a kind. Calcutta as a city, in one way, it is a melting pot of art and culture, and on the other hand, it is a city which do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism, rather, the city claims to be building and working towards the establishment of socialism. Calcutta as it is often said, is not a city, it is an emotion.
We Are Inspired Everyday:
Inspiration can not be contained in a box. It can come from anything and anywhere. Every nook and corner of Calcutta inspires us, whether it is some old architechture, or any interesting people on the streets, or may be just a yellow cab passing by.
Calcutta breeds nostalgia, and we, from arte-alter, would love to present you with that Love, Nostalgia and Emotion, through our products.
Design DNA

Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. As we know, there is a very famous quote by Steve Jobs which says, "simple can be harder than complex, you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make things simple. But it is worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains".
In today's world, where maximalism has taken over simplicity, we here at arte-alter, are going back to our roots, by celebrating the country's immense talent, and at the same time respecting the artisans associated with every form of art, respecting our culture, respecting and protecting our nature.
Fabrics We Use:
For us comfort and care is the key, and that is why, we at arte-alter take immense care to provide you with fabrics made out of azo-free and natural dyed yarns. The yarns we use are all natural yarns, like khadi, cotton, silk and linen. The yarns we use are hand spinned yarns and hand spinning is an ancient textile art, in which fibers are drawn out and twisted together to form a yarn.
The advantages of using natural fabrics is that, they are biodegradable, breathable, soft, durable and also can be produced organically. These fabrics are very comfortable to wear, they are porous, so they do not stick to your body, and they do not cause any harm to the nature when produced.
The fabrics are hand washed in minimum amount of water, after the fabrics comes out of the loom, to make them soft and reduce the possibility of further shrinkage.
Our Promise

The idea is to cater people with pure handmade clothing and convince people any kind of use of polyester and it's blends. As 70 percent of the artisans involved in the process of yarn to fabric production are women, our project empowers weavers, empowers women and generates employment.